liebster blogging award

published march 2015

i’ve finally emerged from a couple of intense weeks of uni study + exams, to find that two great blogs i admire had nominated me for some blogging awards. the liebster award is a way to acknowledge new bloggers and introduce them to more readers in the blogging community. so firstly, a huge thank you to “addicted to the sweet life“… i am genuinely flattered and honoured!


the rules of the liebster award are:

  • thank the person who nominated you and provide a link their blog
  • add the award badge to your blog (in a post, or as a widget)
  • answer the questions posed by the person who nominated you
  • nominate 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers, and provide links to their blogs.
  • create 11 new questions for the nominees to answer.
  • list these rules in your post
  • notify all nominees, and give them a link back to your post

11 questions nominated by “addicted to the sweet life” for me

1. why do you blog?
i started inlovewithbrunch about one year ago because i was feeling creatively dry in all aspects of life… i had stopped singing, songwriting and painting due to work and uni commitments, and i also needed to get my butt into a more active gear. so with the incentive of a delicious meal at the other end, my husband + i started #walkandbrunch’ing to various cafes around melbourne, after which i would therapeutically write about our experience + how much we’d enjoyed the food + coffee. in the process, i’ve discovered a passion for writing and creating again, found an online community of creative + like-minded people… and ironically have started singing + songwriting again. the human heart + mind has an amazing capacity for juggling commitments when it has a passion for it!

2. what is your favourite food?
well it would definitely have to be brunch! 😉 my favourite dishes would definitely be french toast or baked eggs.

3. what is your idea of a ‘perfect’ day?
my perfect day would be one that involves travel to a new and exciting destination filled with food, shopping + exploring!

4. what is your greatest fear?
not achieving my dreams

5. what is your least favourite thing about yourself?
i worry too much

6. what aspect of your life are you most proud of?
my marriage to my wonderful husband

7. if you could turn back time and relive one of your life experiences, what would it be?
my honeymoon. the accommodation we booked turned out to be not at all what it was advertised to be. this caused lots of unwanted stress, cost and last minute changed plans meaning our honeymoon wasn’t as fun or relaxing as i had always hoped.

8. if you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?
new york city – central park in snow is magical

9. if you were given the chance to meet any fictional character in person, who would it be?
dorothy from the wizard of oz

10. if you could witness any event in history, what would it be?
ella fitzgerald’s first performance at the apollo theater in harlem, new york in the 1930’s

11. if you could prevent either your body or your mind from ageing, which would it be?
my mind, definitely

for the liebster award, i nominate:

this (hungry) little piggy
chasing mia
jp + melbs
melbourne food review
let’s get fat together
lisa eats world
good food good karma
the adventures of kt + food
adventures of the whisk
south of the river
my fair melbourne

and here are the 11 questions i have:
1. your favourite brunch dish?
2. your favourite cafe?
3. if you were hosting a dinner party (3 courses) what would you cook?
4. what would your dream holiday look like?
5. your favourite singer or band?
6. what is the inspiration for your blog?
7. cooking savouries or baking sweets?
8. your proudest achievement to date?
9. your drink of choice?
10. the opera, theatre or a musical?
11. your blog goals for 2015?

happy blogging!

p.s. second award coming soon!

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